

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Dream - 10th October

10th October

I dreamed I was in a Japanese style house during a zombie apocalypse. One particularly tense and memorable scene of the dream was jumping out of a window and into a tree to escape the zombies chasing me. I stayed there until night fell. When it suddenly got dark in my dream, all the zombies came outside and began attacking and climbing the tree I was in, so I climbed into the tallest branches and onto the roof of the house. I then proceeded to the centre of the roof where there was a hatch leading down into the heart of the house. The heart was a very small room made of steel with two small glass windows with blood stained hand marks and gaping zombie faces peering in. The room lit up as I dropped in and was furnished with vintage bookshelves and an unusual rug. I had to move a polished stone onto a kind of pedestal to trigger a flood that would purge the earth of the undead. The water wasn’t cold, wet, and I could breathe as if it was air, but it carried me up through the collapsing house, the waters continued to swell so much that the flow carried me to heaven.
Weirdest dream yet by far, especially vivid too.

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